Notes trickling from a tenor saxophone, drop by drop
I hardly breath
The keys of the piano tingle
as they run down my spine
What, where, when........ why?
Oh, the globe... that globalistic, spherable, round blue spot..
I think I missed it
- perhaps I'll catch the next ride but for now
I'll just wait.
Here in a side-room next to the universe
where time stands still, Time after Time after Time after Time
and after
(words written to a Ben Webster recording accompanied by many silences.. sweet and otherwize )
Mnemósine, de pá.. de pé... caminhando rápidamente
memórias... diversas e soltas.
terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012
segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012
to be mentally silent..
- driving out polution that encumbers all thought and recollection
can at times be more strenuous than climbing the highest pole with lubricated hands,
but when it finally comes (even for a fleeting moment..) I am almost returnéd.
Perhaps someday I'll know the soothing comfort of watching the sun set next to a loved one in utter silence..
perhaps (even though I no longer believe in "silence" - but perhaps)

(or she)
who knows the future knows nothing.
to be mentally silent..
- driving out polution that encumbers all thought and recollection
can at times be more strenuous than climbing the highest pole with lubricated hands,
but when it finally comes (even for a fleeting moment..) I am almost returnéd.
Perhaps someday I'll know the soothing comfort of watching the sun set next to a loved one in utter silence..
perhaps (even though I no longer believe in "silence" - but perhaps)

(or she)
who knows the future knows nothing.
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012
O “Lucro” é algo que se define consoante os padrões (ética, estética, moralidade e/ou ausência da mesma.. )
de quem o deseja.
de quem o deseja.
Há lucros que pouco ou “nada” são.
Outros que são faces fragmentais da destruição e/ou do empobrecimento do Ser que os cobiça.
Há lucro que é e/ou conduz às coisas da Morte
(“Morte” no seu sentido mais lato e múltiplo)
- e há o outro tipo de lucro.Outros que são faces fragmentais da destruição e/ou do empobrecimento do Ser que os cobiça.
Há lucro que é e/ou conduz às coisas da Morte
(“Morte” no seu sentido mais lato e múltiplo)
Aquele lucro que se tem ao ver nascer o dia seguinte, ou, aquele que se recebe ao ir ao encontro do Outro.
Pelo menos para alguns, a vida é uma dádiva, por isso mesmo “lucro”.
Há milhares de tipos de lucro conforme o acto e a vontade por de trás do mesmo.
Agora se é para o “Bem” ou para o “Mal”.. isso já é outra história (parece-me)
Yes -
a handful of us in any given place can be rotten to the core..
profit from the death of babies and laugh as one’s own mother’s back is broken..
but most are not so.
It takes a coward to succumb to Averice, Greed and Fear
(all foods of Hatred and Destruction, that awful couple that fathers “Doom”)
(all foods of Hatred and Destruction, that awful couple that fathers “Doom”)
- but the noble heart shall shine through the darkness of those who would do him/her ill or attempt to cheat.
cheating of the Other into becoming as they, a small worthless empty
shell from whence
no sound escapes nor light for they are “Naught”,
where all is but deception;
- is as vile an act as the destruction a few desire to perpetrate for the lucre of “false” gold,
- is as vile an act as the destruction a few desire to perpetrate for the lucre of “false” gold,
for a “profit” they hysterically believe thay can take with them..
to that small black hole they’ll inevitably end up in…
(and themselves),
- through LOVE.
May they prosper and multiply.
- to all i wish a nice day

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011
From beaches of absolution...
"..das praias de Fukushima - III " (summer/fall 2011 - G. Almeida, acrylics on canvas) |
From beaches of absolution
a horrid stench..
an odour
a protrusive bulge of havoc
Death and misguided Humanity
poisons the air in a thicket-like array
of fumes
more and more impenetrable
with each sorrowful step inconspicuously taken.
Ancient sands that care not
nor notice Man's misgivings,
bleached, broiled and barren
in lachrymose desolation
sickley they stare back at the face of their maker
in innocence.
(In innocence?)
There they sit upon the living bed (,)
dead to one's lamentations
simply caressing our soles (souls)
step by step.
- and all the while Petty Theft and Larsony of the heftiest degree
dance upon our graves..
sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011
- A human being is a being who is constantly 'under construction,' but also, in a parallel fashion, always in a state of constant destruction. - José Saramago
"[...] Somos estrangeiros
Onde quer que moremos. [...]
(Ricardo Reis, Poesia, 127, p. 125)"
An Involuntary Redemption
An Involuntary Redemption
Hope,that solitary mistress...
somehow abandons me, yet the sun doth shine somewhere
even though babies cry under bullets perhaps sold by my treasonous hand.
The air on the other side seems stale.
I dare not open the door for I fear the rumble of rats..
Persistently stalk, spread disease and invade my lost innocence,
they are are no friends of mine.
If they screech out my name I know them not.
Given no heed, at times the battle seems lost forever
by acts treacherous as they are involuntary.
Eyes not withstanding, a heart incapable of grasping a vision's full compass,
The Lord thus eases my pain through an apparent blindness.
Still, in a myriad of fragmental imagery I am brought to my knees torn by tearful doubt.
Redemption of what I know not brings no solace.
and (to the East) I sigh
as I search.. and find but dark thought.
I thus come to you with my candle,
in an involuntary redemption
(To Libya,
to the human desert,
to gun running warlords as they greedily
to the human desert,
to gun running warlords as they greedily
murder me...
an utter rage of silence
and opposition)
an utter rage of silence
and opposition)
just like my owners want me to,
back into a deep sleep..
Now that I've been fully domesticated,
I go where my masters bid me,
to oblivion..
Now that I've been fully domesticated,
I comply,
I ly down.
sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011
Superfluous material
Superfluous, no longer needed
more or less as useless as an oxygen tank on a corpse.
I slowly lock myself away.
Not that ever significant was the presence or worth of labours, or that it matter they be; (what care the wind of its direction? ) but to feel them useless now means that to someone, at least one, it had almost been meaningful onetime
contrary to her (my) beliefs. I know not if the door will re-open, nor if it matter that it does but I know that it is for the present time
usless information:
It means as much as the notion of direction does to the wind. For now, I'll just blow away the thought and return to my foolishness.. and blow bubbles in the breeze.
(Isto há-de passar. Passa sempre, felizmente ou infelizmente, ou parvamente ou .. hmfff..)
Resonance Liberation
Originally contained within GFA Post - HERE
Resonance - Liberation
I have walked the walk of millions,
those who had fallen and others not.
those who had fallen and others not.
I've walked the ages,
counted each imprisoned breath born from ordinal numbers
and wept at you feet.
These wings on my back are tattered and worn my darling.
they hang with the dust of time
hugging my body,
barely visible.
These wings on my back are tattered and worn my darling.
they hang with the dust of time
hugging my body,
barely visible.
Looking back,
Conquered, yet "Un-Conquested",
bedded upon endless gardens
mysteries nearly plundered
and unveiled...
I weep at your feet.
Legion surrounding the lake
as Aegle slumbering in grief but in numbers,
a multitude of wooded beings,
I dreamt of you.
Rivers of time try to erase, start anew
within the steadfast darkness
of my silence
I have heard your words in Morphic Resonance
"Come hither.. the world changes. Quick, hurry.."
And from the shores I return,
and arrive at each new angle
360 degrees... and back.
poem written by Margarida Costa(aka: Guida Almeida, Guida Costa, Maria MFA Costa)
segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010
Inner Island
of course it is mine...
that island lodged deep within my breast where longing unspoiled, thoughts fathomless and drunk from utterance,
where the constant wedlock between me
...and that which I think I am
sees you
instantly becoming enamoured, transformed,
forever changing to be the same,
I find sustenance,
ultimate liberty and imprisonment,
"Technologies of Punishment"
holding fast to each and every breath parting from lips
now aquamarine from translating Circe's spell..
that island lodged deep within my breast where longing unspoiled, thoughts fathomless and drunk from utterance,
where the constant wedlock between me
...and that which I think I am
sees you
instantly becoming enamoured, transformed,
forever changing to be the same,
I find sustenance,
ultimate liberty and imprisonment,
"Technologies of Punishment"
holding fast to each and every breath parting from lips
now aquamarine from translating Circe's spell..
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